Saturday 3 April 2010

Book Review: Ceremony in Death


Ceremony in Death by J.D. Robb

Category: Crime Fiction

Challenges: Thriller and Suspense Challenge

Synopsis: A sturdy well respected cop dies and his granddaughter contacts Eve in fear for her life. What follows is a journey into the occult with black candles and blood. Will Eve be able to figure out who is murdering people and why?

My Thoughts: Very short review of this one since it is a re-read.

This book is actually quite creepy. I’m not normally a superstitious person but I would have to agree with Peabody, I would want some form of protection against all this witchcraft.

I do like the fact that Robb, through her characters, do not condemn all witchcraft. They are very clear about the fact that it is people that are evil not the religion.  I think that so often this part of pagan religions are misrepresented and I liked that Robb did not fall into this trap.

This book continues to explore Eve and her relationships. The real focus is on her relationship with Feeney and how much they actually mean to each other. It allows the reader to see how Eve starts to realise that she has a family even if she doesn’t realise it.

This is a steady book in the series.

Purchase Ceremony in Death from BookDepository


Copyright ©2010 Zee from Notes from the North.clip_image001This post was originally posted by Zee from Notes from the North. It should not be reproduced without express written permission.


Aarti said...

Ooh, I like that aspect, too, about the religion not being wrong but people possibly using power in the wrong way. I am loving all the mysteries you read! I will have to catch up some time!

Zee said...

I have been on a bit of a mystery kick lately. They are easy reads and a nice antidote to gradschool readings.

Deb said...

I love the entire J.D. Robb series. I read them over and over. It is probably my favorite series ever written.