Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Day 19 – Favourite book turned into a movie


I am probably not the only one who is often disappointed by movie adaptations of books. They just rarely seem to capture the magic of the books (do not get me started on the travesty that is some of the Harry Potter adaptations nor how I feel about some of the later Anne movies). I have already featured one of my favourite movie adaptations although somewhat surreptitiously Winking smile so I figured I wouldn’t feature that author again. Instead I would go with the author who wrote the quote I used for my favourite quote: Terry Pratchett. I ADORE his books and I really enjoy the adaptation of Hogfather.

Hogfather Trailer

Despite all the fanciful characters in these books this movie (in two parts) manages to really capture what I love about the Discworld in general and this novel in particular.


Copyright ©2011 Zee from Notes from the North. This post was originally posted by Zee from Notes from the North. It should not be reproduced without express written permission.

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