Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Fall into Reading 2009: Reading List

This challenge is hosted by Katrina at Callapidder Day and it is my first challenge for this new format blog. I am going to take it a bit easy and not do so many books and to double up on some books for the Banned Book Challenge. This is also my post for the What's On Your Nightstand?

My list:

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

This is a re-read for me. It was one of my favourite books in high school. It is part of the Banned Book Challenge. I am not going to do so much of a review of this one as a discussion regarding the reasons it was challenged.

The Giver by Lowry

This is another Banned Book. This is an audio book from Audible. I've never actually read this book but I have wanted to do so for ages. I am absurdly fond of dystopian novels so this one is a treat for me.

The Year of Living Biblically by A. J. Jacobs

I bought this book over the summer but I have only read a few pages so I am going to start it over for the challenge. I am looking forward to this book because I think it is a fascinating idea. I also wanted to include at least one non-fiction on the list.

My Ántonia by Willa Cather

I picked this one up during the summer as well. I wanted to read it because I have read very few books about the American frontier (I've read the Little House on the Prairie books and that is it!). How little I had read became clear this spring when I did my survey course in British and American Literature. I picked this book because it is about a woman by a woman, something I enjoy.

What's On Your Nightstand

I will also be continuing my re-read of The Belgariad and The Mallorean by David Eddings. In addition to this I am awaiting the release of the next In Death book by J. D. Robb: Kindred in Death which is due out on November 3rd. But I am not including them in the challenges since they are my relaxing books. Books I don't really take notes on when I read (the school bus here is also the regular bus and the kids were looking at me like I was insane since I was making notes today). So there we have it: My books for the challenge


Nina said...

My Ántonia by Willa Cather sounds very good! Enjoy reading the books you got on the list!

Karen said...

My Antonia is one of my favorite books of all time. I hope you enjoy it! I've heard lots of good things about The Giver.

Belle said...

I loved The Giver, which, now that I think about it, is kind of strange because I'm not very fond of dystopian novels. The Year of Living Biblically is on my tbr now. I loved Jacobs' Guinea Pig Diaries!

Shelly said...

The Giver by Lois Lowry is quite a book! I had to read it for a children's lit class.

Anonymous said...

I've read all four and they're all great, albeit in their own ways. The Giver is one of my favorite books.

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

I read the Belgriad & the Mallorean in high school and loved them!

I've never read The Giver either, but would like to one of these days.

Enjoy your fall reading and thanks for being part of the challenge!

Joyful said...

`The Year of Living Biblicaly sounds interesting.
Good luck with this challenge,