Sunday 23 January 2011

TSS: Bloggiesta Winter ‘11 round-up

The Sunday

My TSS post today is doubling as a re-cap for what I have gotten done during the weekends Bloggiesta.


  • Write up template posts for all books planned for the year
  • Organise covers folders
  • Write book basket post
  • Write some rainy day posts
  • Decide and draft 4 weekend cooking posts (I’ve Decided but not started the drafting)
  • Comment on all the Nordic Challenge Review Posts that have come in so far
  • Research/write posts for Nordic Challenge
  • Clean up and re-organize GR
  • Write review for Vindication (started)
  • Try and figure out how to make a template post in Live (isn’t an option today)
  • Check out mini-challenges
  • Check over About page and make any necessary changes (No changes necessary)
  • Update Book Review page
  • Find and catalogue pictures to use in blogposts
  • Organise my sidebar
  • Organise my labels
  • READ so that I have something to blog about
  • As you can see I didn’t really manage to get any of the writing posts done. I am still suffering badly from the thesis-from-hell induced writing block that has been plaguing me of late. I am hoping that this will lift in the next few days, especially since, due to my uni being stupid my course load will be less this semester than I had planned. No matter which courses I do end up being able to take this semester I have decided to take a break from school in the autumn. I hope that less academic writing will help in the writing for pleasure department. I am still pleased with what I did manage to accomplish, especially the amount of reading I got done. I am now ahead in War & Peace having just finished Part One. I’m really enjoying it and so I wanted to keep reading. It will also take the pressure off if I should fall behind at some point.

    I did do Beth Fish Reads Mini-challenge in that I cleaned up amongst my tags. I still have some work to do with it but I made a good start. I will continue doing it during the year, as it takes forever to do some of the changes I want to do.

    I have decided on the topics for some of my rainy day posts, amongst others I want to write a post based on Jenn from Jenn’s Bookshelves mini-challenge on organizing your books. I’ve just not had time this weekend to finish organizing my books. I did it last year but I’ve got new books and I’ve had to do some re-organizing.


    Copyright ©2011 Zee from Notes from the North. This post was originally posted by Zee from Notes from the North. It should not be reproduced without express written permission.


    Anonymous said...

    Well, you certainly didn't do nothing, even if it wasn't as much as you'd hoped for. It was well worth the time and you can look back at a successful Bloggiesta.

    Those posts will come, or not (and does that really matter).

    Chinoiseries said...

    Congrats on finishing Bloggiesta! Don't dismiss the tasks that you did accomplish: remember that every task counts! I found it very hard to do so much blog-oriented work in a long sit, and highly admire those that really spent hours and hours on their blogs.

    gautami tripathy said...

    You got a lot accomplished! Congrats!

    Here is my Bloggiesta-Wrap Up post!