Tuesday, 31 August 2010

R.I.P V Challenge: Intro Post


“It was a dark and stormy night…”

Or at least I wish it was, rather than a warm, sunshiny day. Despite the weather refusing to cooperate with my gothic mood, the calendar does not lie, ladies and gentlemen. It is indeed that time of year where two short months are dedicated to reveling in all things creepy, eerie, mysterious, gothic, horrifying, suspenseful and strange.

It is time to celebrate things that go bump in the night; that favorite detective that always gets his man, or woman, in the end; that delicious chill of a creak on the stairs, of the rogue waiting in the dark, of the full moon and the flit of bats wings (Carl V of Stainless Steel Droppings on what the R.I.P. V Challenge is)

I’m almost done all the challenges I signed up for this year so I thought I would join one (or two, stay tuned) more. One of the challenges that caught my attention last year when I was still very much a baby blogger was the R.I.P. IV challenge. I didn’t join then because I was still learning to navigate the world of book blogging. This year however, I wish to “celebrate things that go bump in the night” and therefore I am joining in the Readers Imbibing Peril V. I’ve got several books to choose from. Some of them are books that have been sitting on my TBR shelf for a while, others are ones I need to finish challenges, yet others still are books I have recently discovered. All in all, all the books are books I want to read, am eager to read.

My list of possible books:

The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. Has been sitting on my self for about a year. I WILL read it soon.

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman (audio). Was convinced to get this on audio by some bad bloggers on twitter :D. Started listening to it on my walk today and almost walked another lap to continue listening, delicious!

The Busman’s Honeymoon by Dorothy Sayers. The final instalment in the Harriet Vane books. As I loved Gaudy Night I am really looking forward to this.

The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe (Project Gutenberg). I first read this short story in high school, and part of me thinks that one cannot read creepy stories without reading this one.

Haunting Bombay by Shilpa Agarwal. Is one of the books I want to read for the South Asian Author Challenge, I’ve had it on my virtual TBR list all year and finally bought it earlier this week.

Bones to Ashes by Kathy Reichs. I LOVE the Bones tv series but I’ve been scared to read these books because I am worried I’ll compare the two. However, my dad has been talking up the books, and I won the first one in the Thriller and Suspense Challenge draw so I thought I would try it now.

As per always I reserve the right to add and subtract books from this list, which incidentally is encouraged by Carl V :D. I’m aiming for Peril the First, to read 4 books.


Copyright ©2010 Zee from Notes from the North. This post was originally posted by Zee from Notes from the North. It should not be reproduced without express written permission.


Amanda said...

Wonderful list! I can't wait to see what you think of The Women in White!

Anonymous said...

An interesting challenge. Enjoy!

I've read The Woman in White and thought it was quite interesting. I have The Moonstone waiting on my shelf.

Challenges: you're very brave starting a new challenge. I'm feeling like not entering ANY challenges next year so I can read whatever I want whenever I want. Sort of. Freedom!

Carl V. Anderson said...

I'm thrilled you felt like joining in this year. And of course would have welcomed you with open arms last year! Thanks for being a part of this, I hope you have a great time with it.

You must thank whomever convinced you to listen to the audio of The Graveyard Book. It is wonderful. Neil is such a perfect reader and the story is one of my favorites. I've read the book and listened to it on audio as well and I started listening to it again on audio myself just this very morning. I actually took my lunch break and drove around while eating (shhh..don't tell the earth) so that I could listen to more of it. It was admittedly hard to come back inside the building!!!

And Fall of the House of Usher is so perfect for this time of year. One of my all-time favorite Poe stories.

Debi said...

Looks like a wonderful list! I've never before heard of Haunting Bombay, but the title alone has me intrigued--think I may have to look into this one. Hope you enjoy all your reads!

Kristen M. said...

I felt the same way you did in my first year--tentative about joining--but definitely regretted that I didn't when I had so much fun with this challenge last year. You will love it!

And seeing the audio of The Graveyard Book on so many lists has convinced me to go download it right now (or at least get on the waitlist!).

ibeeeg said...

I have The Graveyard on my list too. I was planing on reading it but I am not so certain now. Maybe the audiobook is in order especially after reading Carl's comment. Hmmm...

I also have The Woman in White, I am starting to really look forward to that read. The others, I am not familiar with but they do look good.

Stephanie said...

I read The Woman in White during last year's RIP challenge. It is wonderful!

Chrisbookarama said...

I keep meaning to read The Woman in White. Maybe this year will be the one!

Ana S. said...

Do read The Woman in White! Such a great book :D

gautami tripathy said...

Great list. Have a great time reading those.

Please do check out the books I already read for RIP V.

Rikki said...

I loved Busman's Honeymoon, a great mystery.

Kate said...

Welcome to the RIP! This is the only challenge I do every year, part because it fits with what I want to read this time of year and part because it's a great, open group which makes it lots of fun to share books. Have fun reading!

Kailana said...

I keep seeing mention of The Woman in White and thinking maybe I should read it this year, too... I will have to see if I own it. I mind own The Moonstone instead... Enjoy whatever you wind up reading!